TBD Curry Rd

Mount Solon, Virginia 22843


Here is a large single parcel of very nice land that is in permanent nutrient bank easement agreement, planted with over 40,000 pines, hardwoods and cedars for future forest growth. Approximately 80 acres of this land has formerly been farmed but was put into permanent conservation easement by the current owner. It cannot be farmed going forward, and the trees that have been planted must be allowed to grow and mature into forest. This 80 acre portion of the land cannot be cleared or harvested going forward, but there is approximately 42 acres that is not in the nutrient bank easement agreement that can have a house or cabin built on it. This 42 acre portion can also be cleared if desired. It could be grazed also, but the new owner would be responsible for building fence to keep livestock out of the NBEA area. It will be great hunting land and/or vacation getaway site, but the NBEA portion can never be farmed again, even for grazing land. Call listing agent for details on the NBEA.